Friday, July 25, 2014

Healthier Ways To Consume Calcium

Good afternoon, this article discusses healthier ways to consume calcium. In a recent article I did, "Healthier Ways To Consume Protein", this article will be much like that one and I hope it will be helpful to all you readers out there.

When people think of calcium, the number one thought is milk. Milk has a lot of calcium, which is very true. But is the milk you're drinking healthy? It may be hard to believe, but the go-to dairy source of calcium isn't as healthy as you might think.

Most people will say their go-to source will be cow milk, cheese, and yogurt. An eight ounce glass of cow milk contains 300 mg of calcium, which is a lot. But what people don't know is that soy milk contains the exact same amount! That's right, 300 mg in a glass of soy milk. So do you want to continue drinking your cow milk filled with bleach and other ingredients or do you want to drink something healthy like soy milk?

There are actually other ways to consume calcium other than the typical dairy and other milk substitutes. Take spinach for example, not only is it a green vegetable that's good for you. It also has 245mg of calcium. That's almost as much as a glass of milk. There are other foods that are good sources of calcium too, such as:

Almonds - 1 cup = 378 mg of calcium. (That's more than a glass of milk!)
Tofu - 1/2 cup = 350 mg of calcium. (Also more than glass of milk.)
Chia Seeds - 1.5 ounces = 300 mg of calcium. (Same as a glass of milk.)
Kale - 1 cup = 205 mg of calcium.
Bok Choy - 1/2 cup = 190 mg of calcium.
Figs - 5 figs = 135 mg of calcium.
White Beans - 1/2 cup = 120 mg of calcium.

There are many, many more sources. If you want to find more, just Google "Good sources of calcium besides dairy."

If you want to start eating healthy and have a healthier body, start eating the right foods. Start one step at a time, just by switching from dairy milk to soy milk would be a great improvement for you. So what are you waiting for, make the switch!

I hope you enjoyed reading my article! Please leave your thoughts below in the comment section. Thanks for reading!

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