Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Healthier Ways To Consume Protein

Good afternoon, this article is sort of a sub-category of my previous article, "Farms Don't Look Like They Used To". In this article, it discusses healthier ways to consuming protein.

Have you ever wondered, "How do vegetarians consume protein without eating meat?" It's simple, you see a lot of people don't realize there are other ways to get protein. Yes, there are protein shakes, but that isn't what I'm going to be talking about.

There are a few way to get protein without eating meat or drinking protein shakes or eating protein bars. A popular way for vegetarians to get a lot of protein is by eating beans. Yes, beans. Beans are a very high source of protein, in fact one-half cup of beans contains as much protein as an ounce of broiled steak. Don't believe me, Google it.

There are also a lot of other ways to consume protein without eating meat, such as:
Quinoa - 1 cup = 8 grams of protein (Plus it's good to add to salads.)
Buckwheat - 1 cup = 6 grams of protein (Good substitute for flour.)
Hempseed - 2 tbsp = 10 grams of protein (Good to top off yogurt, just make sure it's Greek yogurt.)
Soy Beans - 1/2 cup = 10 grams of protein (Good substitute for meat in Asian dishes.)
Rice And Beans - 1 cup = 7 grams of protein (Good side dish.)
Ezekiel Bread - 2 slices = 8 grams of protein (Good substitute for your go-to bread.)
Hummas and Pita - 1 whole wheat pita and 2 tbsp hummas = 15 grams of protein (Good snack.)
Peanut Butter Sandwich - 2 slices of bread with 2 tbsp of peanut butter = 15 grams of protein (Good pre or post workout snack.)

There are many other great sources of protein besides eating meat, just Google "Great sources of protein besides meat." Yes, meat is a great source of protein, but after my last article I hope you now see the dangers of eating meat. Especially when it comes from those horrible warehouse farms.

How you can eat more protein and stay healthier: A great way to top off the morning, is to eat some Greek yogurt. Just make sure it's low on sugar. And why not top it off with some hempseed? Sounds good to me. Or perhaps you're in a rush in the morning and don't have time for breakfast, then grab a protein bar on the go. Remember check the labels, make sure it's low on sugar.

There are so many little things you can do to change your eating lifestyle into a healthy lifestyle. Switching from dairy milk to soy or almond is a great improvement for your health. Not consuming as much meat or no meat at all, is also a great way to improve your health.

A lot of people don't realize how important certain foods are until you get sick. So act now, change your eating lifestyle one step at a time. You'll be healthier because of it, I promise you that!

I hope you enjoyed reading my article! Please leave your thoughts below in the comment section. Thanks for reading!

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